Online registration is closed, however you can still register at Omega Sports in Wilson on Friday night from 5pm - 7:30pm, and at Cavalier Park on Saturday morning at 9am. Saturday morning registration will end promptly at 9:45am so please allow plenty of time if you plan to register on race day.
On site registrations will be cash or check only; $30 for the 5K and $40 for the 10K.
On site registrations will be cash or check only; $30 for the 5K and $40 for the 10K.
Rudolph Sponsor

Rudolph Sponsor
Omega Sports
Omega Sports

Prancer Sponsor
Rid A Pest
Rid A Pest

Wilson YMCA


Manual Physical Therapy


Carol Creech Promotions

Prancer Sponsor
T&H Electric
T&H Electric

Prancer Sponsor
1-800 Radiator
1-800 Radiator

Play Date

Boles Hamm Dixon and Boles

Boyette Well and Septic
