Helping the Hungry Since 1988
TRI-AREA MINISTRY (TAM) Food Pantry is a nonprofit, non-denominational , 100% volunteer-run organization with a mission to provide food to eligible clients in the towns of Wake Forest, Rolesville and Youngsville, as well as in the surrounding areas of Wake County.
TAM is the largest Food Pantry in the Wake Forest, Youngsville, and Rolesville area serving 800 families each month. We serve approximately 2,800 people per month or 34,000 people each year. Each family who visits the Food Pantry receives a grocery bag containing different types of food, including dry goods such as cereal, rice, and beans, canned goods as well as fresh fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, eggs, butter, and frozen meat, as well as other items based upon availability.
Please do what you can to help! Bring non-perishable food items, diapers, and feminine hygiene products on Friday to packet-pickup or race morning to help TAM feed local families and keep the Food Pantry shelves stocked.
Click here to download the list of most needed donations.
Bring non-perishable food items, diapers, and feminine hygiene products on Friday to packet-pickup or race morning to help TAM feed local families and keep the Food Pantry shelves stocked.
Facts About Hunger in North Carolina
According to NC Assoc. of Feeding America Food Banks (
- NC is in the TOP 10 for the highest percentage of HUNGRY citizens
- 1 in 4 children in NC are “food insecure” (hungry).
- The average Food Assistance (Food Stamps) provided is $4.40 per person per day – so a family of 4 gets $123 a week and a single person gets $31/week.
- 81% of NC households receiving food stamps don’t know where or when their next meal is coming.
- 22% of NC citizens on food stamps have at least one family member who has served in the Military.
- 3 of 4 teachers in Wake County report that they have hungry children in their classroom at least weekly.
- 36% of NC food pantries have been forced to close at some point due to lack of food.