This is an open road course: The ROADS WILL NOT BE CLOSED for this event, runners will follow the flow of traffic staying to the right.
Wake Country Sheriff Officers will be along the course to help monitor traffic.
Help them and our volunteers by keeping to the right as you are running along the street, also by trying to only run at most 2 people across for the safety of yourself and your fellow runners.
Half marathon course will run through Wakefield Plantation and the Wake Falls neighborhood.
The very scenic course is rolling with a few hills that are sure to test your fitness.
10k course will follow along part of the half-marathon course before turning around and heading back to the school.
We'll make sure to pack plenty of hills in those 6.2 miles!

1m course is an easy out and back that follows along the first part of the 5k route.

The Drumstick Dash gets the kids in the game, with a sprint around the school driveway circle toward the finish line.