7 Mile Course
Course is not certified 
Roads will not be closed: This means you will be running with the flow of traffic at all times.  Please watch for direction arrows and listen to volunteer directions.

The start/finish line will be in the bus loop at Wake Forest High School GPS: 420 W Stadium Ave
Wake Forest, NC 27587

Aid Stations:
There will be 3 aid staions along the course with porta-potties located near by.

Time Limit:
Runners will have a time limit of 2.5 hours: must be cross the finsh line for the 7m by 10:30am
Any runners/walkers remaining on the course after the time limit will no longer be considered race participants and will be required to follow pedestrian laws. Official times, medals, and post-race amenities cannot be guaranteed for runners/walkers who finish after the time limit. 
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