Testimonials received via email from the First Annual Reach the Beach Event in 2017:

"Thanks for a great event!"

"Just wanted to say great job conceiving and organizing this event!  It was very well done in all regards and such a nice ride down Hwy 421.  This was my first Century and I enjoyed it immensely.  Thanks and congratulations to all involved on a very successful first-time Reach The Beach ride!"

"Loved Waterline Brewing and Duke's pizza - both were delicious!!! ... Looking forward to doing it again next year."

"Great ride.. Thanks.. Given the price I thought it was really well run and a great event.. Appreciated the rest stop lunch and ending party/beer and pizza."

I loved the ride on Sat!! Well planned and organized.  The HW421 route was perfect. I look forward to riding again next year.  The rest stop was great—perfect to have an actual HW421 rest stop.  The food, band and brewery were great afterwards.  Thanks again for all your great work and communications to make the ride such a success."

"What a great event you put together!  Wanted to thank you for including us."
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